Powerful Methods to Unblock Your Solar Plexus Chakra
Every part of the body has a part to play in enhancing your well-being. There are different energy centers you would find within your body which are responsible for different aspects of life. The solar plexus chakra which is commonly referred to as manipura is responsible for your self esteem and boosting your confidence. However, at times blocking can happen which brings up different reactions and behavior.
A blocked manipura will affect your way of life in many ways. It is important to put measures in place to mitigate this problem. Your personal esteem would be at risk with an imbalanced solar plexus chakra. At this point you would need to consider ways to awaken your sense of power.
Methods You Can Use to Open the Solar Plexus Chakra
The burning of incense, smudges, and some essential oils can certainly help one looking to open/activate/unblock/balance chakras. Some good picks for helping the solar plexus chakra are ginger, juniper, peppermint, rosemary, black pepper, vetiver, and spearmint.
Repeating Positive Affirmations
To get rid of negative thoughts and feelings which can build up and block your solar plexus chakra, affirmations of positive elements can be most helpful. This can be done in different ways such as speaking them out loud or in written form. If you’d like to try using affirmations but aren’t sure how to start: sit in a comfortable position and take a nice deep breath in and slowly, deliberately say the words on your exhales. Here are a few affirmations focused on the solar plexus chakra to try it with:
I am powerful
I honor my personal desires
My potential is unlimited
For more solar plexus chakra affirmations, look here.
Heal from your past
It is common that your past experiences will have an impact on your daily life especially if you have not gotten past, or let go of it. It is crucial that you review your experiences to start a new life without the pain of the past, while carrying forth any lessons gained from it. This will help to restore the right balance for you and your solar plexus chakra.
Physical exercise is crucial for production of different energy suitable to your body. Whether yoga or other forms of exertion, it should be done regularly. Daily exercise is vital for bringing out the energy in your solar plexus. The use of exercise is considered to be a natural way to get back your power. This would enhance your fire element within your body and raise your confidence.
Yoga Positions
This is a crucial method for dealing with stimulation of the power center in your body. There are yoga positions which you can practice to unblock your solar plexus chakra. Yoga is known to provide a calming aspect in the body while increasing strength and flexibility. Some poses that will be good specifically for the manipura chakra include: cobra pose, child’s pose, bow pose, plank pose, crescent lunge pose.
Practice Breathing Exercise
Proper breathing is essential when it comes to relaxing and creating the right energy within your body. This will calm you down and ensure that your body recollects the energy needed to power your solar plexus chakra.
Healing Sounds
Music has a way of putting you in a different state which is what you need when you are in a state of losing confidence and self esteem. Healing Sounds and music will uplift your attitude and unblock your manipura.
Chanting Seed Mantra
Words are powerful tools for unveiling our inner being. Mantras are known to boost belief one has in themselves which is a perfect way to deal with a blocked solar plexus chakra. The bija mantra / seed mantra for the solar plexus/manipura chakra is RAM. (pronounced like rahm) Simply say the syllable on your exhales for the full duration of each exhale without purposely changing your tone of voice, just let it roll out naturally.
This is an ideal way to rediscover yourself when going through low moments. Having time to reflect on your life positively would lead to positive energy growing within your body.
Take time in the sun
The energy needed for healing your solar plexus can be obtained by spending some time in the sun to gain the energy you require.
Check the type of food you eat and if it is helpful to your solar plexus chakra. Ideal food intake will help keep your solar plexus chakra healthy at all times. Typically foods that are good for a specific chakra, the colors tend to match. To clarify: yellow foods are what we should be looking for to help the manipura. Foods like corn, squash, yellow peppers, and bananas should be included in the diet of anyone desiring healthy flow of energy through the solar plexus chakra. This will also be good for your body’s overall general health.